Transformers Universe




"A veces, si esperas lo suficiente, los problemas se solucionan por sí solos."
"Sometimes, if you wait long enough, problems solve themselves."

Personalidad: Slapdash no sabe trabajar en equipo. Es el típico negligente. Le es difícil seguir una estrategia, porque se olvida de introducirla en su banco de memoria. A veces, se ha lanzado a la batalla sin arma, o, peor aún, con el tanque de fuel vacío. Ha llegado a olvidarse a su compañero, Lube. Sin Lube, con el que está combinado binariamente, Slapdash no puede transformarse. Normalmente, sus compañeros Autobots tienen que pagar sus errores. Ellos son los que le cubren cuando se ha olvidado el arma o le arrastran hasta la base cuando lleva el tanque vacío. Slapdash se beneficia de su buena voluntad. Si no fuesen tan generosos e indulgentes, sus compañeros hubiesen dejado ya de ayudarle.

Lube era especialista en tecnologías del fuel en el Complejo de Investigación Industrial Hi Q en Nebulos. Fue él quien, bajo control del director del Complejo, Hi Q, llevó a cabo la investigación que culminó en el envenenamiento de las fuentes de fuel nebulanas. Así, ningún Transformer podía ir a Nebulos y consumir su fuel sin envenenarse. Pero los Decepticons Dreadwind y Darkwing descubrieron el Proceso Powermaster, que les permitió sobrevivir, amenazando a los nebulanos. Entonces llegó un grupo de Autobots que, al no poder repostar, quedaron incapacitados para combatirles. Irónicamente, Lube se ofreció para sufrir el Proceso Powermaster y combinarse con un Autobot para ponerle otra vez en funcionamiento. Lube es muy meticuloso y tiene poca paciencia, lo cual le lleva a pelearse frecuentemente con Slapdash.

Slapdash is not a good team player. He is typically disorganized, neglectful and sloppy. He is rarely knowledgeable of any strategy that he's supposed to follow since he usually forgets to enter it into his memory banks. He's been known to plunge into battle without his weapon, or worse, with an empty fuel tank. Sometimes he even forgets to bring Lube along. Without his binary-bonded partner, Slapdash loses the ability to transform. It usually falls upon his Autobot comrades to pay the price of his mistakes. They're the ones who have to cover for him when he's unarmed or haul him back to the Autobot base camp when he's out of energy. Slapdash is lucky that they're as willing to do these favors for him as they are. If he weren't such an easy-going, generous and good-natured fellow, his friends might have stopped acting so friendly a long time ago.

At the Hi Q Industrial Research Complex on the planet Nebulos, Lube specialized in fuel technology. Under the direction of the Complex's director, Hi Q, it was Lube who made the research breakthrough that led to the tainting of all Nebulan fuel sources. This prevented any Transformer from coming to Nebulos and ingesting that planet's fuel without poisoning himself. Soon after, the Decepticons Darkwing and Dreadwind arrived and threatened the planet. A team of Autobots eventually tried to chase the deadly duo away, but without access to a non-toxic fuel source to supply their needs, they were unable to do it on their own. Ironically, this turn of events persuaded Lube to help the very beings he had endangered. He underwent the Powermaster Process and became binary-bonded to Slapdash so that he could assist the Autobots in their fight against the Decepticons. Lube is known for his meticulousness and short temper, characteristics that usually put him at odds with the slovenly Slapdash.

Habilidades: Slapdash su transforma en un vehículo de alta velocidad. En esta forma puede alcanzar velocidades de 900 km.p.h. y su autonomía es de 2.700 km... cuando se acuerda de llenar el tanque. En las dos formas, lleva un poderoso cañón electromagnetizador capaz de neutralizar y drenar la energía de cualquier máquina que se ponga al alcance de su rayo. Sólo lo usa contra los Decepticons. Lube se transforma en el motor de Slapdash. En esta forma, es su fuente de energía y puede procesar cualquier tipo de fuel para hacerlo utilizable.

Slapdash transforms into a ground racing vehicle. In this mode he can reach a maximum speed of 600 miles per hour and has a maximum range of 1800 miles... when he remembers to fill up his tank. In both robot and vehicle modes he is armed with a powerful electro-magnetizer gun, which has the ability to neutralize and drain the power supply of almost any machine its beam hits. He reserves its usage almost exclusively for enemy Decepticons. Lube has the ability to transform into Slapdash's engine. In this mode he acts as Slapdash's power source and can process almost any fuel source into usable form.

Debilidades: Prácticamente, todas las debilidades de Slapdash proceden de su carácter descuidado. Su manera de ser es su mayor problema.

Virtually all of Slapdash's weaknesses are self-inflicted and easily preventable. His careless nature is his greatest problem by far.
