Transformers Universe




"Si no te ensucia, no vale la pena."
"If it doesn't get you dirty, it's not worth doing."

Personalidad: Para Snapdragon, diversión es meterse hasta el cuello en aceite. Y, si no tiene a mano un pozo de aceite, tampoco le importa destrozar a un enemigo para bañarse en su fuel. Deja un rastro petroquímico donde quiera que va. Snapdragon parece perezoso. Lo es. Pero también tiene un genio que dispara con nada. Cruzarse en su camino es arriesgarse a que te destroce el blindaje con un golpe de sus garras.

Krunk, el nebulano con quien está combinado, vive atemorizado por el Decepticon, aunque en teoría él controla la mente que comparten. Ha visto demasiadas veces los resultados del temperamento de Snapdragon y, aunque sabe que no funcionaría sin cabeza, Krunk le tiene miedo, tanto como para no decirle nunca que apesta a fuel. Aparte de Snapdragon, Krunk no tiene miedo de casi nada. Cuando Lord Zarak le reclutó para los Headmasters, era un secuestrador despiadado, y se dedicaba a extorsionar a los ciudadanos importantes de Nebulos. Krunk es vulgar y cruel, y su única virtud es su lealtad hacia Lord Zarak... el mayor traidor en la historia nebulana.

Wading up to his neck in grease is Snapdragon's idea of a good time. And if a grease pit isn't handy, he'd be just as happy cracking open an enemy and bathing in his fuel. Not surprisingly, Snapdragon drips a petrochemical trail wherever he goes. His penchant for lotting around on his back in sludge pools gives many the impression that Snapdragon is lazy and difficult to motivate. He is. But he also hides a hair-trigger temper. Cross him and he'll rip your chest plate off with a lightning-fast slash of his claws. When Snapdragon says he doesn't want to be disturbed, he means it.

Krunk, the Nebulan to whom Snapdragon is binary-bonded, lives in perpetual fear of the Decepticon even though, in theory, Krunk controls the mind they share. He's seen the result of Snapdragon's temper enough times to worry about his own safety. And although Krunk knows that without a head Snapdragon is non-functional, he still fears him. He wonders if the inert Decepticon will suddenly slash out at him. He's too scared of the Decepticon to even tell him how much he loathes grease pits. Other than Snapdragon, there is very little that Krunk fears. Until his recruitment by Lord Zarak as a Headmaster, Krunk was a merciless kidnaper, earning his living by extorting huge citizens. When Lord Zarak caught Krunk trying to kidnap his own daughter, Llyra, he gave the criminal a choice - swear eternal loyalty to him or die. Krunk chose the former, and, in fact, now serves as a bodyguard of sorts for Lord Zarak and his family. Krunk is vulgar, vile and vicious; his sole redeeming quality is his sense of loyalty to Lord Zarak - the greatest traitor in Nebulan history.

Habilidades: En su forma de avión, los cohetes turboproyectores de Snapdragon le permiten alcanzar velocidades de 4.800 millas/hora. Los cuatro cañones de sus alas le hacen peligroso para cualquiera que vuele a menos de doce millas. En su forma reptil, sus garras y colmillos de acero, pueden cortar casi cualquier sustancia. También dispone de armas que alteran los circuitos de equilibrio de cualquier robot al que se enfrente.

In jet mode, Snapdragon uses dual turbo-booster rocket engines to reach speeds of 4800 mph. Four independently targetable laser cannons mounted on his tailwings make him a challenge to anyone flying within 12 miles. In reptile mode, Snapdragon has heat-treated carbon-steel claws and teeth that can cut through virtually any substance. In robot mode, he uses a gyro-gun, which interferes with the balancing circuitry of any robot its beam hits.

Debilidades: El motivo de su gusto por los baños de aceite es un defecto en la estructura cristalina del acero que compone a Snapdragon. Sin lubricación constante, su piel sería frágil y quebradiza.

A defect in the crystalline structure of Snapdragon's steel skin is the reason for his habit of taking grease baths. Without near-constant lubrication, his skin becomes brittle and is prone to cracking.
