Transformers Universe




"Los líderes son para los estúpidos que necesitan seguirles."
"Leaders are for fools who need to follow."

Personalidad: Fangry es rebelde, temible y malhablado. "Lo ideal para un Decepticon", podríais pensar. Pero esos rasgos, que deberían ser dirigidos contra el enemigo Autobot, los descarga Fangry contra su propio líder. Este odioso rastreador nocturno se revela automáticamente contra cualquier autoridad y amarga la existencia del que pretenda darle órdenes. Para evitar su furia, hay que disfrazar las órdenes como consejos y sugerencias. Causa más problemas a sus superiores Decepticons que a los Autobots. Tras la paz, varios ingenuos neutralistas fueron engañados por los Decepticons, quienes les encargaron pasar órdenes a Fangry y vieron cómo éste les desmantelaba. Fiero e independiente, cree ciegamente en sus propias tácticas y planes. ¡Si no puede hacerlo a su manera, no lo hará!

El resultado de su unión con Brisko, un antiguo cartógrafo nebulano con memoria fotográfica y grandes ambiciones, fue explosivo. Brisko deseaba ansiosamente llegar a ser el número uno, y cuando los planes claramente erróneos de Fangry les ponen en peligro toma el control, arreglando la situación. Fangry le odia, y desea fervientemente librarse de él. Brisko confía en que, dado que es la cabeza de Fangry, eso no le suceda nunca. ¡Pero sus compañeros Decepticons, que le conocen mejor, no están tan seguros!.

Fangry is rebellious, fearsome and foul-mouthed, ideal qualities for a Decepticon, you might think. But where normally these traits would be directed against the Autobots he battles, Fangry's wrath and fury are generally aimed at his own leader! This odious nightstalker automatically rebels against anyone in authority and actively lashes out at anyone foolish enough to tell him what to do. Orders given to Fangry tend to be couched in suggestions or requests, so as to avoid the terrible rages that normally follow. His Decepticon superiors have more trouble controlling him than the Autobots have fighting him! Back on Cybertron, fellow Decepticons often tricked unsuspecting neutralists, giving them orders to pass on to Fangry and then watching as he tore them apart. Fiercely independent, Fangry has utter faith in his own judgment and tactics. If he can't do it his way, he won't do it at all!

When Fangry was binary-bonded to Brisko, a former Nebulan cartographer with a photographic memory and a selfish streak, the results were volatile to say the least. Brisko is very much into looking after number one, and when Fangry's sometimes transparently inept plans seem to endanger them, he exerts control over the shared mind, steering them away from trouble. Fangry hates this and wishes fervently to be rid of Brisko. As he's Fangry's head, Brisko is confident this will never happen. Knowing Fangry better, fellow Decepticons aren't quite so sure!

Habilidades: En su forma de robot, Fangry esgrime un cañón iónico semiautomático, cuyo concentrado rayo de energía puede fundir un blindaje exterior y averiar los circuitos que contiene. Su propia armadura es densa y resistente. No está tan bien protegido en su forma de lobo, pero disfruta de mayor movilidad y no ofrece blanco fácil. Sus alas traseras le permiten efectuar cortos vuelos. Brisko, por sí solo es un buen rastreador, dispone de memoria fotográfica, que, aplicada al terreno y a los mapas, hacen casi imposible sorprenderle.

In robot mode, Fangry carries a semi-automatic ion pulse gun, which fires a concentrated beam of energy capable of melting outer armor plating and slagging interior circuitry. His own armor plating is very dense and tough. In wolf mode, Fangry is less well protected but much more mobile and not such an easy target. His back wings enable him to fly short distances. His tail converts to a compressed air cannon that produces 200 mph winds. A fine tracker in his own right, Brisko's photographic memory of terrain and maps makes him almost impossible to catch or surprise.

Debilidades: La obsesiva confianza de Fangry en sus propias habilidades y su incapacidad de oir los consejos de los demás suelen ponerle en peligro. Sus intempestivas salidas pueden echar a perder complicados planes de combate, en perjuicio de sus compañeros. Odiado por éstos es difícil que alguien corra en su ayuda.

Fangry's obsessive reliance on his own skills, combined with his inability to listen to advice often puts him in terrible danger. His solo gambits can wreck carefully laid team battle plans and often result in harm coming to his teammates. Disliked by his fellow Decepticons, the chances of someone coming to Fangry's aid are slim.
