Duel! Beast Wars:
Beast Warrior Strongest Decisive Battle
FAQ version 1.3 (updated April 20th, 1999)
Menu Translation provided by Gyumaoh@aol.com
Menu Submenu
1 Player
2 Player
1 Player
2 Player
Quick Draw
1 Player
2 Player
Time limit (10-90)
Difficulty (easy, normal, hard, [master-special code])
Kanji (yes, no)
Printer (Very thin, thin, regular, thick, very thick)
Move List (see below)
Sound Test
Special Passwords (to be entered in the password option)
Translations and a few codes provided by Quez (twotone@canada.com)
and Gyumaoh@aol.com.
Corrections provided by tfhntrd@hotmail.com.
The directions for the passwords are ONLY counting the Japanese symbols
and NOT the spaces in the middle (unless noted).
Code Directions at password screen
"guard" - unlocks a rock blocking game in the bonus menu
(get at least 30 points in the rock punching game)
second line, fifth from right
seventh line, first from right
fourth line, first from right
"two" - unlocks the second rock blocking game in the bonus menu
(must defend 100% in the first rock game)
fourth line, third from left
first line, third from left
seventh line, first from right
"seal" - unlocks a sticker option in the bonus menu
(get at least 150 points on the second rock blocking game)
third line, second from left
seventh line, first from right
first line, third from right
"guest" - unlocks Star Upper at the character select
(beat the game on normal)
second line, second from right
third line, third from left
fourth line, fifth from left
"temis" - unlocks Artemis/Moon at the character select
(beat the game on hard)
fourth line, fourth from left
seventh line, second from left
third line, third from left
"run" - unlocks a another game called "Hashire! Beast" (Run! Beast)
sixth line, first from left
third line, second from left
first line, second from right
"shoot" - unlocks a shooter game called "Tatakae! Beast" (Fight! Beast)
first line, third from left
fourth line, fourth from left
seventh line, second from right
"starscream" - unlocks Starscream in "Tatakae! Beast"
(found on the ground during Tatakae Beast gameplay)
first line, fourth from right
seventh line, first from right
seventh line, third from left
"BB" - unlocks BB in "Tatakae! Beast"
fifth line, fourth from right
blank space
fifth line, fourth from right
Codes for additional characters in "Tatakae! Beast"
Scylla - Press SELECT and Up and A
DJ - Press SELECT and Down and A
Ikard - Highlight Scuba and press SELECT and A
"ass" - silly code that has 3 Primal's dance with their rears facing you
first line, fifth from left
third line, second from left
first line, fourth from right
"treasure" - displays Takara slogan "Asobi wa Bunka" (Play Is Culture)
fourth line, first from left
second line, first from left
first line, fifth from right
"strong" - master difficulty
fourth line, third from left
eighth line, third from left
first line, second from left
Move List (incomplete)
Provided by HydraD304@aol.com, Gyumaoh@aol.com, Quez (twotone@canada.com),
and Jofus2000@aol.com
< = back
> = forward
^ = up
v = down
A = Button A
B = Button B
To charge your BP meter, simply hold A, B, and v simultaneously
When your BP meter is fully charge, hold A, B, and ^ to get a hyper
To transform, press the SELECT button
Galvatron - top right
Robot Mode:
Twister Axe: v > B
Death Ascension: > v > B
Cross Revenge (up): v < A
Cross Revenge (down): v < B
Soul Drain: < v > B
Chaos Pressure (BP move): v > v < B
Drill Tank Mode:
Murderer Vulcan: v > B
Gaia Tornado: > v > A
Kill Needle: v < B
Crush Drill: < v > B
Gaia Crush (BP move): v > v < B
Lio-Convoy - top left
Robot Mode:
Lio-Shot: v > B
Lio-Tooth: v < B
Lio-Tempest: > v > B
Lio-Typhoon: < v > B
Soul Impact (BP move): v > v < B
Lion Mode:
Lio-Tornado: v < B
Lio-Cannon: > v > B
Sky Cannon: v < B (jumping)
Lio-Throw: < v > B
Planet Burst (BP move): v > v < B
Megastorm - right, second down
Robot Mode:
F. Mine: v > B
Critical Hammer: v < B
Spark Cannon: < v > B
Knuckle Bazooka: > v > B
Megaton Bomb (BP move): v > v < B
Tank Mode:
Maximum Shoot: v > B
Sting Mine: v < A
Cyclone Cannon: < v > A
Storm Bash: < v > A
Assault Ray (BP move): v > v < B
Scuba - left, second down
Robot Mode:
Scubawhip: > v > B
Electric Shock: B (repeatedly)
Scubathrust: < v > B
Surumerang: v > B
Vulcan Lash (BP move): v > v < B
Squid Mode:
Scubasmog: v > B
Scubadive: > v > B
Tail Whip: v < B
Scubaspiral: < v > A
Kraken Knock (BP move): v > v < B
Megatron - right, fourth down
Robot Mode:
Buster Shot: v > B
Tail Thrust: < v > A
Evil Impact: > v < A
Evil Slash: > v > B
Laser Buster (BP move): v > v < B
Tyrannosaurus Mode:
Tyrannobreath: v > B
Megaton Press: > v > B
Tyrannorevenge: v < A
Tyrannostomp: > v > A
Night Raid (BP Move): v > v < B
Convoy - left, fourth down
Robot Mode:
Cyberblade: > v > B
Plasma Cannon: v > B
Giga-Attack: < v > A
Convoy Driver: < v > B
Zetsu (unstoppable) Convoy Driver (BP move): v > v < B
Gorilla Mode:
Hammer Knuckle: v > B
Counter Hammer: v < A
Megaton Hammer: > v > B
Megaton Slam: < v > B
Gigaton Bomb (BP Move): v > v < B
Cheetas - left, third down
Robot Mode:
Sniper Shot (forward): v > B
Sniper Shot (diag. up): v < B
Sniper Shot (diag. down): v > B (jumping)
Rolling Assault: v < A
Last Resort (BP move): v > v < B
Cheetah Mode:
Passing Sand: v > B
Phantom Arrow: v < B
Surprise Throw: > v > B
Surprise Attack: > v > A
Delta End (BP move): v > v < B
Guiledart - right, third down
Robot Mode:
Erste Knock: < v > B
Zweite Press: < v > A
Dritte Blow: > v > B
Vierte Reflector: v < B
Megatick Black Hole (BP move): (near opponent) v > v < B
Triceratops Mode:
Proton Wave: v > B
Du-Ton Tackle: v > A
Tri-Ton Throw: > v > B
Tetra-Ton Press: > v > A
Black Hole Cluster (BP move): v > v < B
Star Upper - left, bottom (hidden character, replaces Cybertron symbol)
Robot Mode:
Magnum Blow: v > B
Crazy Knuckle: B (repeatedly)
Stealth Blow: > v > A
Star Upper: > v > B
Star Upper Kai (BP move): v > v < B
Kangaroo Mode:
Rocket Punch: v > B
Drop Kick: > v > A
Star Revenge: v < A
Star Upper: > v > B
Star Upper Kai (BP move): v > v < B
Artemis/Moon - right, bottom (hidden character, replaces Destron symbol)
Atemis Hammer: v < B
Moon Slash: > v > B
Moon Attack: v > B
Artemis Slash: < v > A
Artemion Hammer (BP move): v > v < B
Moon Attack Kai: v > B
Moon Head Attack: > v > B
Gloomy Moon Punch: v < B
Moon Heel: < v > A
Rapid Rabbit (BP move): v > v < B
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