Transformers: Headmasters

21 - Find Megazarak's Weak Spot

Encuentro con el planeta Tetrus


The Cybertrons pick up an SOS from the exile planet Dallos and head there to investigate. The Headmasters move out to figure out what's going on, finding that the Destrons have attacked an energy plant. They take the people back to Fortress Maximus, where one grabs Daniel as hostage, threatening him with a knife. Daniel manages to break free, blasting one of the men, before Fortress captured the others in a forcefield. The Cybertrons learn that the planet is controlled by a small group in the southern hemisphere and that the people are suffering greatly. They find that the Destrons have been building something on the planet while being in cahoots with the leaders. The Destrons find that the Cybertrons have arrived and mobilize to attack them. Meanwhile, Chromedome and Highbrow head into a canyon to find a Battle Beast who happened to be part of the team who built Megazarak. He starts to tell them of Megazarak's weakness, but Weirdwolf blasts him in the back, eventually killing him, but not before he gives them a chip. The Headmasters fire a huge cannon at Megazarak, prompting him to transform into robot mode, then Fortress transforms Fortress Maximus, defeating Megazarak and restoring peace to the planet.
