Thanks to Megazarak, Mars has now been destroyed and the Cybertron
Headmasters are quite angry about the entire incident. Meanwhile,
Daniel and Wheelie, who are goofing around, spot a strange light
in the sky which buzzes past them. Chromedome & Hardhead sneak
out of Fortress Maximus and head toward the Destron base. Meanwhile,
Scorponok organizes a strike force and sends out Skull,
Weirdwolf and Blitzwing to hand the Cybertrons. Fortress and the
others arrive on the scene, saving the pair as Soundwave holds
a meeting with his cassettes. Megazarak attacks Fortress Maximus,
and is beating up on him when the strange UFO flies past, distracting
Megazarak long enough for Fortress Maximus to escape, then taking
away Sixshot. Punch reports to Fortress about the Destrons' plan
to coronate Scorponok as the Destron Emperor, and during the ceremony,
the Cybertrons attack. Suddenly, the glowing object appears again,
revealing itself to be a spaceship; out from it step Sixshot,
then the presumed-dead Galvatron. The Destrons overwhelm the Cybertrons,
forcing them to retreat, while Galvatron reclaims his throne as
Emperor, much to Scorponok's dismay.
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