Beast Wars
Mini-cómic de 8 páginas realizado por Kenner, incluido en la caja de uno de los primeros juguetes de Beast Wars, un pack que llevaba dos robots de juguete: Optimus Primal (murciélago) y Megatron (cocodrilo).
En este cómic aparecen las primeras aventuras de los Maximals y los Predacons luchando en una jungla.
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8 páginas |
En la oscuridad de noche, un leopardo, un jabalí, y un murciélago buscan a través de una jungla densa.
El murciélago --quién realmente es Optimus Primal, líder del Maximals-- usa sus sensores avanzados para encontrar un laboratorio genético secreto.
Entonces Optimus es atacado por un cocodrilo cercano, que se revela ser Megatron.
Los Maximals y los Predacons batallan los unos contra los otros, y los Maximals rápidamente debilitan a los Predacons.
Pero antes de que los Maximals puedan asegurar su victoria, Megatron detona el laboratorio, y los Predacons escapan.
Páginas 1 y 2 |
Panel 1-3: A bat flies through the air, a shadow at first and then revealed under full moonlight. "A silent shadow rises..." "Gliding above the darkened jungle floor..." "A Bat so massive it threatens to eclipse the moon!"
Panel 4-5: A cheetah runs through the forest. "Eyes of a stalker hunting its prey..." "The super swift cheetah springs! But food is not on this hunter's mind..."
Panel 6-7: A boar runs through some shrubs. "Whose tusks gleam in the night?" "The wild boar, one of the most feared jungle predators!"
Página 3 |
Panel 1: The bat is revelaed to be more than meets the eye! It's eye gleams in the darkness and the bat says... "Optical sensors detect thermal emissions and fusion activity-- I think we've found it!"
Panel 2: The secret lab is found! Optimus focuses his eyes on it... "...Auto-motion detectors tracking something outside fusion building's perimeter..."
Panel 3: Optimus Primal flies over a swamp, a crocodile peeks its head out from under the swamp surface. " appears to be a harmless Earth creature!"
Panel 4: The true nature of the crocodile is revealed! It swings its massive tail and hits Optimus Primal in the chest. Optimus Primal yells: "Wha-- Uhhhh!!" Megatron yells: "Guess again, Optimus!"
Página 4 |
Optimus Primal watches helplessly as the crocodile transforms into its robot form, Megatron! The Predacon leader stands over his prey, his teeth gleaming and says "You may have located our genetics lab...but you'll never survive to see the secrets inside! Predacons ATTACK!"
Páginas 5 y 6 |
A banner on top of the page states: "The Heroic Maximals have found their Evil enemies: the Predacons!"
Optimus Primal transforms into his robot mode and faces off with Megatron. In the background, Cheetor, Razorbeast, Waspinator and Tarantulas fight each other. Optimus Primal proclaims "Our bio-genetic morphing process has allowed us to create the perfect fusion of organic musculature and Transformers technology!" to which Megatron replies "As have we--but my genetically altered Predacon robots were created with the DNA from Earth's most vicious life forms!"
Páginas 7 y 8 |
Panel 1: Optimus points at Megatron and says "Your Predacons are weakening, Megatron!"
Panel 2: "Perhaps...but your Maximals will never make it into our lab!" Megatron says as he presses a button on his hand.
Panel 3: KABLAM and the Predacon lab is destroyed as Megatron yells "BEHOLD"
Panel 4: "You may have won this battle, but the Beast Wars have just begun!" Megatron yells at Optimus and the Maximals.
Panel 5: Megatron makes his last statement "We'll be back in any form, at any time! So when you least expect it...EXPECT THE PREDACONS!"
The End
Notas y comentarios:
En el mini-cómic aparecen Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Razorbeast, Megatron, Waspinator y Tarantulas. Solo Optimus Primal y Megatron hablan en la historieta.
Ésta es la única aventura impresa que presenta a Optimus Primal y Megatron en las formas de murciélago y cocodrilo.
Como en el marketing de los primeros juguetes de Beast Wars, el mini-cómic establece que los Maximals y los Predacons están en la Tierra en la época actual. Esto se contradice con la posterior historia de la serie de televisión y las descripciones de los juguetes.
Página creada a partir de la información sobre los cómics de Beast Wars publicada en la web