Transformers Universe




"Echa la culpa a otro antes de que te la echen a ti."
"Blame someone else before they blame you."

Personalidad: Pese a su terrorífico aspecto y su formidable armamento, Nautilator es en realidad una chapuza anfibia. En su origen, era un guerrero terrestre que sufrió cirujía de reconstrucción para combate oceánico en Cybertron, sin antes pasar las pruebas para comprobar sus aptitudes en ese entorno... aptitudes que no tenía. Sus Seacons siempre tienen que salvar sus tornillos de las olas. Algunos susurran en secreto "dejemos que se ahogue", cada vez que les pide socorro. También están hartos de rescatarle: se pierde siempre que emprende una de sus exploraciones submarinas. Y, para empeorar las relaciones con sus camaradas, siempre está dispuesto a culparlos de sus propios errores. Pero los Seacons tienen buenos motivos para acudir en socorro de Nautilator, como explica Snaptrap: "Si de vez en cuando no recuperara una bomba nuclear perdida en el fondo del océano, lo habríamos dejado ahí oxidándose hace tiempo".

Despite his fierce appearance and formidable weaponry, Nautilator is actually a stumbling, bumbling amphibious foul-up. Originally a land-based warrior, he underwent adaptive reconstructive surgery for oceanic combat on Cybertron without ever being tested to see if he had an aptitude for the undersea environment. Once he joined the Seacons, it became apparent to everyone that he liked that environment - he just wasn't very capable within it. His fellow Seacons have had to haul his chassis out of tidal undertows more times than they care to admit. Some of them secretly whisper, "Let him drown," whenever he calls them for help nowadays. They're also fed up with having to retrieve him - almost every time he goes on one of his underwater exploratory excavation missions, he usually gets lost. And to make relations with his comrades even worse, he's always quick to blame them for his mistakes. But there are very good reasons why the Seacons usually come to Nautilator's aid, as Snaptrap explains, "If he didn't bring back an occasional lost nuclear bomb from the ocean bottom, we'd have left him down there to rust a long time ago."

Habilidades: En su forma de langosta, Nautilator usa sensores químicos, térmicos, eléctricos, magnéticos, sísmicos y sónicos situados en sus patas para detectar depósitos subacuáticos de fuel y otros materiales útiles para la causa de los Decepticons. La presa de sus garras es irrompible, y puede perforar los cascos más gruesos de los barcos con un esfuerzo mínimo. Lleva un cañón triple, un arma que dispara bandas de energón que encierran a su objetivo. Puede montar el cañón en su boca y convertirse en un arma. En su forma de arma, también puede funcionar como cañón de torpedos. Se combina con sus camaradas Seacons para formar al super robot Pirañacon.

In his lobster mode, Nautilator uses chemical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, seismic and sonic sensors located in his legs and tail to search for and detect underwater fuel deposits and other materials useful to the Decepticon cause. His claws have an unbreakable grip and can pierce the thickest of ship hulls with minimal effort. He wields a triple crusher cannon, a weapon that shoots energon bands that encircle and trap their target, tightening around it until only rubble remains. He can mount the cannon on his mouth, convert to weapons mode and use it in a stationary position, or use it on land in robot mode. In weapons mode, he can also convert it to a torpedo cannon. He combines with his fellow Seacons to form the super-robot Piranacon.

Debilidades: El circuito central giroscópico de Nautilator es defectuoso, lo que le dificulta la orientación en el agua. Además, se oxida con relativa facilidad, y no puede permanecer más de cuatro horas bajo el agua sin sufrir daños.

Nautilator suffers from a defective gyroscopic circuit center, which accounts for his poor navigational skills. He also rusts relatively easily, and can stay underwater for no longer than 4 hours without suffering damage.
