Transformers Universe




"Si no tienes éxito a la primera, sigue intentándolo."
"If at first you don't succeed, keep trying."

Personalidad: Hosehead siempre pone la voluntad, pero suele faltarle la capacidad. Preparado, dispuesto o inepto podría ser su lema. Aunque ha mostrado su coraje y su habilidad en las situaciones más desesperadas, su deseo de ser útil en todo momento, incluso cuando no se le necesita, le mete continuamente en problemas. Una vez destruyó un edificio al lanzarle gran cantidad de productos extintores, aun cuando el fuego ya había sido apagado. Tiene fama de hacer siempre lo correcto en el momento inadecuado. Algunos creen que estos problemas crónicos son el fruto del algún cruce de circuitos cerebrales. Pero los que le conocen bien saben que se debe a la inseguridad que sufre desde que abandonó el puesto de contador de microchips no cualificado en Cybertron. Se unió a los Autobots porque creyó que así podría hacer algo mejor con su vida. Desde entonces, ha estado intentando -en exceso- demostrar su valor.

Hosehead está unido binariamente con Lug, una antigua estrella del atletismo en Nebulos. La experiencia de Lug en competiciones de alto nivel ha demostrado ser buena compensación para la inseguridad de Hosehead. Desde que Lug fue biomificado para unirse a Hosehead, éste ha demostrado una considerable mejora en sus actividades de rescate.

Hosehead always has the desire, but often lacks the ability. Ready, willing and unable could be his motto. Although he has proven himself to be courageous and skillful in the most desperate of situations, his eagerness to be helpful at all times, even times when his help isn't needed, has often gotten him into trouble. He has rescued people after they already have been rescued. He once doused a building with flame retardant chemicals after the fire that had engulfed it had already been extinguished. He is famous for doing the right thing at the wrong time. Some suspect that this chronic problem is a result of crossed cerebral circuits. But those who know him best realize that his bumbling behavior stems from insecurities within him born of his once being a low-level microchip counter in a transistor factory on Cybertron. He joined the Autobots because he believed that he could do more with his life. He's been trying - many would say over-trying - to prove his value to them ever since.

Hosehead is binary-bonded to Lug, a former all-star athlete on the planet Nebulos. Lug's experience of performing under the high pressure spotlight of competition has proven to be a great benefit to the typically insecure Hosehead. Since Lug was bio-engineered so that he could transform and assume the role of his Autobot partner's head, Hosehead has demonstrated a marked improvement in the manner that he carries out his emergency rescue function.

Habilidades: Hosehead se transforma en un camión apagafuegos de alta tecnología. Está dotado de una escalera hidráulica, manguera de agua de alta presión, productos químicos extintores, sensores infrarrojos para buscar fuentes ocultas de calor (como fuegos escondidos por edificaciones y seres vivientes), equipo médico para urgencias y equipo de reparaciones. Su velocidad máxima es de 360 kms. por hora, y su autonomía de 900 kms. Está armado con dos pistolas láser de corto alcance y con un rifle acelerador. El rifle acelera a su objetivo hasta que éste su mueve a una velocidad incontrolable, y acaba destrozado. El rifle tiene una autonomía de nueve kilómetros.

Hosehead transforms to a hi-tech fire truck. In truck mode he is equipped with a hydraulic ladder, high pressure water hose, flame retardant chemical foam, infra-red sensors for finding hidden sources of heat (such as fires within walls and living beings) and emergency medical and repair equipment. He has a maximum speed of 240 miles per hour and a range of 600 miles. He is armed with two short-range laser pistols and an accelerator rifle. The rifle works by accelerating any target it hits so that the target moves at uncontrollable speeds, at least until it crashes into something. The rifle has a range of six miles.

Debilidades: Dada la frecuencia con la que se embarca en ciertas tareas inútiles, Hosehead suele quedarse sin fuel.

Given the frequency that he engages in unnecessary tasks, Hosehead often runs low on fuel.
