Transformers Universe




"Las apariencias son siempre engañosas."
"Looks are always deceiving."

Personalidad: Una Autobot dulce, amable y leal para con sus compañeros, pero una dura y mortal guerrera para sus enemigos. Su inteligencia, y sangre fría ante el fuego enemigo la convierten en algo muy valioso para la causa Autobot. Los Decepticons la infravaloran constantemente debido a su parecido con las mujeres humanas de la Tierra, a las que no respetan en absoluto. Esta actitud hacia ella es algo que usa muy a menudo a su favor y con mortales resultados.

Arcee protege y defiende al humano llamado Danny Witwicky, hijo de Spike Witwicky. A veces, incluso lo protege demasiado y lo trata como si fuera una frágil vasija de cristal, ya que su piel no es tan dura como la aleación de la que está hecha la suya.

A sweet, kind, and loyal Autobot to her friends, Arcee is also a merciless, lethal warrior to her enemies. Arcee's intelligence, quick wit, and coolness under fire make her invaluable to the Autobot cause. The Decepticons constantly underrate her because, since to them she so closely resembles the female humans of Earth which the Decepticons have absolutely no respect for, they believe she is beneath their consideration. It is an attitude that Arcee exploits with deadly efficiency.

Arcee is very protective of the human, Danny Witwicky, son of Spike Witwicky, the long-time Earthling friend of the Autobots. In fact, sometimes Arcee is a bit overly protective of him and treats Danny almost like a fragile Ming vase since his skin is not composed of a supremely tough metal alloy like hers.

Habilidades: Ella y Hot Rod se sienten atraídos mutuamente, pero ninguno de los dos quiere admitirlo abiertamente. Al oírlos hablar a los dos más bien parecen enemigos encarnizados, pero si un Decepticon intentara dañar a Hot Rod se encontraría con la terrible Arcee.

Arcee is attracted to the Autobot, Hot Rod, who reciprocates the affection. But neither of them is willing to admit it openly. If one were to listen to the verbal pot-shots they take at each other, one would think that they were the bitterest of enemies. But catch one of the Autobots, or worse, a Decepticon, making a disparaging remark about Hot Rod in Arcee's presence and the offender will more often than not find his hydraulic hoses sliced to ribbons before he knows it.

Debilidades: Su gran preocupación por Danny hace que a veces corra riesgos excesivos para protegerle.

Arcee's concern for Danny sometimes causes her to take excessive risks in order to protect him.

