Transformers Universe



"La calle es mi plato de comida."
"The road is my dinner plate."

Personalidad: Ratbat no tiene amigos, sólo tiene socios. Su única lealtad es para sí mismo. Los otros Decepticons lo saben, pero aceptan a Ratbat y cooperan con él a causa de su gran talento para encontrar depósitos de fuel. Incluso le toleran su extremado comportamiento. Le gusta alimentarse introduciendo sus mecacolmillos por los tubos de escape todavía limpios de coches nuevos. Habitualmente, el coche queda destruido. Aunque muchos de los Decepticons encuentran esta costumbre destructiva y molesta, son muchos más los que le ayudan, procurándole coches. Saben que, si Ratbat se queda sin coches, podría escoger por comida a uno de ellos. Además, la función que cumple es muy importante.

Ratbat has no friends, only business partners. His sole allegiance is to himself. The other Decepticons are aware of this, but cooperate with and tolerate Ratbat because of his vital and unique talent for locating fuel resources. So much do they value his services that they are willing to overlook his behavioral extremes. Ratbat prefers to refuel himself by plunging his mecha-fangs into the grime-free gas lines of brand-new cars; the better made the car, the better its gas tastes to him. This usually destroys the cars. Although many of the other Decepticons find this practice wasteful and disgusting, they are more than willing to help Ratbat indulge in his horrible habit by procuring cars for him. Besides, they know if Ratbat can't satisfy his fuel lust in that way, he might select one of them. And, given his importance, they are likely to let him.

Habilidades: En su forma de murciélago, está dotado con sensores químicos en las alas que le permiten localizar fuel. Pueden localizar pequeños rastros de fuel -su sensibilidad puede llegar a detectar una cuadrillonésima parte de fuel en el aire-. Sus mecacolmillos pueden clavarse en cualquier objeto, por duro que sea. Los utiliza para alimentarse. Sus microprocesadores pueden convertir el fuel basado en fósiles o en alcohol en formas asimilables. Puede tener el tamaño de un murciélago normal, o tomar una forma más grande de tres metros de envergadura. En cualquier tamaño, alcanza una velocidad de 100 km/h., con una autonomía de 300 km. Es extremadamente maniobrable.

In his bat mode, Ratbat's wings act as chemical sensors that enable him to locate and distinguish between fuels. They are able to detect the slightest trace of a fuel - their sensitivity records molecular concentrations as low as one part per quadrillion in the air. Within his mouth are retractable mecha-fangs that can puncture all but the strongest materials. He uses them to refuel himself. Micro-chemical processors within the fangs convert most fossil and alcohol-based fuels into a form he can metabolize. As a bat, he can assume the size of a normal bat with about a one-foot wingspan, or a larger version with a ten-foot wingspan. In either size, he has a maximum speed of 65 mph and a range of 200 miles. He is extremely maneuverable.

Debilidades: Las alas de Ratbat son su punto más débil. La resistencia que ofrecen al fuego de artillería es mínima.

Ratbat's wings are his most vulnerable part. They offer little resistance to artillery fire.
