The Transformers
(guía de cómics)
77 - Exodus !
¡ Éxodo !
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Guión: | Simon Furman |
Dibujo: | Andrew Wildman |
Entintado: | Stephen Baskerville |
Letra: | Rick Parker |
Color: | Nel Yomtov |
20 páginas |
As a violent tempest runs outside, the Autobots and Decepticons gather for a meeting. Tempers are barely kept in check; Grimlock throws an oil can at Fangry, and only Bludgeon's intervention stops a fight. Blaster reports that the recent tremors and storms are due to damage from the battle with Unicron -- Cybertron is tearing itself apart!
Later at the Ibex quadrant spaceport, Prowl asks Grimlock to make a morale-boosting speech to the Autobots. Grimlock refuses, an argument breaks out, and Grimlock accuses Prowl of being jealous at not being chosen as the Autobot leader. Bluntly reminding Prowl to recognize his authority, Grimlock leaves.
Below, Bludgeon and Krok are reflecting on recent events when a fight starts between Grimlock and Fangry. Despite Fangry's best efforts, Grimlock easily beats him, thanks to his Nucleon-enhanced strength. Bludgeon takes advantage of the situation to demand what the Autobots' plans are after leaving the planet, and Prowl agrees to share it with him.
Elsewhere on Cybertron, Shockwave and Starscream prepare to leave with the stolen Ark. Starscream rushes them through the pre-flight checklist, so they are unaware that Megatron's body is in one of the stasis chambers -- or that he's started to smash out.
With a storage container for a room, the Neo-Knights muse on their situation. Not only are the humans being maltreated as luggage, but Circuit Breaker has relapsed deeper into herself. Their only neighbor is HiQ, who is now babbling something about "The Last Autobot" while insisting that he's Optimus Prime.
Finally, the Decepticons leave Cybertron, as planned; Prowl wonders if he should have trusted them, but Grimlock's only response is to leave and exchange a wink with Snarl. In space, the Decepticons review the Autobots' plan -- to find and colonize a dead planet -- and then unanimously reject it. The remaining shuttles have been sabotaged, so now the Autobots are left stranded on the dying planet.
The Ark lifts off from Cybertron, with Galvatron secretly stowed on board. Before he can plan the overthrow of Starscream and Shockwave, however, he runs into himself -- as Megatron!