The Transformers
(guía de cómics)
70 - The Pri¢e of Life !
El pre¢io de la vida
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Guión: | Simon Furman |
Dibujo: | Andrew Wildman |
Entintado: | Stephen Baskerville |
Letra: | Rick Parker |
Color: | Nel Yomtov |
20 páginas |
In the Ark, the Autobots watch in horror as the fused Megatron/Ratchet monster studies them with gutteral grunts. While Nightbeat and Kup argue over to save the monster or to kill it out of mercy, it fights past them and escapes into the Ark. Optimus Prime argues that they must try to save Ratchet; Kup counters that the safety of the Autobots take precedence, especially since the Ark is starting to enter Earth orbit. Ignoring Kup's warnings, Optimus heads out with hopes of saving Ratchet.
On the planet Hydrus Four, Grimlock has to struggle with a hostile jungle and an inept guide to reach the island of Farooth, where the Nucleon energy was discovered. They run into a crazed Hydrusian mechanoid -- one of the first recipients of Nucleon -- who tries to kill them. The guide runs away, but Grimlock easily defeats the guard. Though weak and decaying, it refuses to die, and Grimlock is disgusted at its undead behavior.
On the Ark, the monster has gotten into the engine room and is starting to mindlessly destroy everything. Kup reminds Optimus that their orbital descent is in danger, then pointedly suggests that -- given Optimus' decision to surrender (last issue) and the monster's rampage -- an Autobot mutiny is possible. Without a word, Optimus grabs a weapon and bursts into the engine room. With grim determination, he subdues the monster, but cannot bring himself to kill it. Understanding, the monster begs for death, and Optimus squeezes the trigger...
Grimlock is approaching Farooth by boat when he is attacked by a second robot guardian. Though tired and disgusted, Grimlock kills the robot and climbs ashore. He reaches the Nucleon well, where he meets the last "deranged" mechanoid. There is no fight; instead, the robot talks about the unpredictable effects of Nucleon, how it drove him and his friends to madness, and why they work to protect others from it. Cautions, Grimlock decides to test the Nucleon on himself first. It rejuvenates him, and he starts to revive the Dinobots, while the guardian warns of future dangers.
In the Ark's medical bay, Fixit studies the unconscious monster, and tells Optimus Prime that Ratchet can be saved and separated from Megatron. But the two robots' systems are somehow linked; if Ratchet is saved, then Megatron must also be saved. As the hostile and apprehensive Autobots watch on, Optimus orders Fixit to proceed.