The Transformers
(guía de cómics)
59 - Skin Deep
A flor de piel
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Guión: | Simon Furman |
Dibujo: | Jose Delbo |
Entintado: | Dave Hunt |
Letra: | Jim Massara |
Color: | Nel Yomtov |
16 páginas |
Awakened from his Pretender shell, Grimlock immediately attacks Megatron but is quickly knocked down. Ratchet taunts Megatron with hints of spoiling his plans for vengeance, then Bumblebee and Jazz fend off Megatron and the Decepticon Sports Car Patrol. Ratchet leaves the Autobots to hold off Megatron while he tries to make contact with Optimus Prime.
On Earth, Pretender Starscream attacks Optimus Prime and Scorponok's forces. Optimus finally recognizes Megatron's trap, while Lord Zarak is frightened by Starscream's return from the dead. In the Ark, Kup and the Autobots are facing a dire situation -- they can't abandon the Ark, Blackjack can't stop the countdown, and the bombs can't be defused, so their only hope is to try and stop the countdown somehow.
Back on Cybertron, Megatron tosses the Autobot Pretenders out of his base. He then leaves them for the other Decepticons while he hunts Ratchet. Nearby, Ratchet has reached the Ark, and gives a quick set of instructions to Cloudburst...
At the air base, Hot Rod and Scorponok finally manage to inflict some damage on Starscream and his Pretender shell. The pain removes Starscream's mindless obedience to Megatron. His true personality restored, Starscream reverts to cowardice and begs Scorponok for mercy.
Megatron finds Ratchet at the trans-time portal controls and stops him from escaping. Ratchet tells Megatron two things: that Starscream is no longer a mindless warrior, and that he had used the trans-time portal not to escape, but to bring the Ark's explosives to the Decepticon base. With only seconds remaining before the bombs explode, Megatron jumps for the portal, only to be tackled by Ratchet. The base is destroyed just as the Autobots defeat the Decepticons.
Back on Earth, Hot Rod questions Optimus about allowing Scorponok and the Decepticons to leave. Optimus dismisses his questions, concerned instead with Ratchet's fate.