The Transformers
(guía de cómics)
45 - Monstercon from Mars
Monstercon de Marte
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Guión: | Bob Budiansky |
Dibujo: | Jose Delbo |
Entintado: | Dave Hunt |
Letra: | Bill Oakley |
Color: | Nel Yomtov |
22 páginas |
Filming on the set of a pulp science-fiction film is interrupted by the self-destruction of a mechanical alien prop. During the break, Mitch, the studio's publicity agent, shows director Rollie Friendly some news clips for possible future movies. The first item is the return of Sky Lynx and the four children to Earth (from last issue), with Sky Lynx speaking briefly to the reporters. The incident is seen by Circuit Breaker, but Sky Lynx leaves before she could intervene.
The next news item is of more interest to Rollie -- reports of a Bigfoot-like creature in the Hollywood Hills. With the help of a local farmer, Rollie and his crew slip by a military corodon and find the beast. It's actually Skullgrin of the Decepticons, who was sent by Scorponok to establish a Decepticon fuel depot. Skullgrin and the humans talk for a bit, and eventually agrees to work in Rollie's new movie, "Monster From Mars," if he's paid with fuel.
Rollie Friendly soon makes his casting decision public, and Skullgrin becomes a media sensation. As filming proceeds, so does Skullgrin's popularity, increasing his visibility in the press. Hearing about this new sensation, Circuit Breaker suspects Skullgrin of being a Transformer, and soon heads for Hollywood to investigate.
At a press conference, Circuit Breaker briefly observes Skullgrin, but is unable to tell if he is a Transformer or not. As she leaves, she runs into Carissa Carr, the lead female actress for "Monster from Mars." Circuit Breaker questions her, and learns that the final scene for the movie will be filmed two days later at the Grand Canyon.
At the Grand Canyon between takes, Carissa confides to Skullgrin that she's only pretending to be a movie actress, and that her real name is actually Ethel Stankiewicz. Reciprocating, Skullgrin explains that he is also a Pretender, and opens his outer shell to show her the robot inside. Spying from nearby, Circuit Breaker realizes that Skullgrin is a Transformer, then dons her exo-skeleton and attacks.
Skullgrin battles Circuit Breaker, but to no avail -- using her electricity-manipulating commands, she takes control of his outer shell and uses it to attack him. During their battle, Carissa Carr is caught on a crumbling cliff. Skullgrin selflessly rescues her, but is wounded by Circuit Breaker in the process.
Before the attack can continue, they are approached by Rollie Friendly. He saw the entire battle and has it on film, and now offers Circuit Breaker a fortune if she would kill Skullgrin live for the cameras. Shamed by Skullgrin's rescue and disgusted at Rollie's cold-blooded offer, Circuit Breaker destroys the cameras instead, then leaves.