The Transformers
(guía de cómics)
19 - Command Performance !
¡ El cumplimiento de las órdenes !
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Guión: | Bob Budiansky |
Dibujo: | Don Perlin |
Entintado: | Ian Akin & Brian Garvey |
Letra: | Janice Chiang |
Color: | Nel Yomtov |
22 páginas |
At the Ark, Optimus Prime introduces the Autobots to Grapple's newest creation -- Omega Supreme, an armored tank that is their last line of defense. Optimus then announces that the Autobots will directly attack the Decepticons, to learn the secret of the Constructicons' combination abilities. Optimus tells Skids that this is not an offensive attack, and the Autobots will leave as soon as they have the data. This cowardice angers the Dinobots, who defect.
At the Decepticons' Wyoming strip mine, Megatron and Shockwave have a brief argument about strategy. Megatron then leads the Decepticon jets and cassettebots towards the Columbia River Gorge, expecting to meet Straxus and the Space Bridge (from last issue). Donny Finkleberg, meanwhile, begins to consider escaping from the Decepticons.
As the Autobots are en route to the mine base, Skids nicks the Lamborghini of a human named Jake Dalrymple, who gives chase. Reaching the base, the Autobots run through the Army's perimeter and battle the Decepticons' defenses. At the same time, Megatron's team approaches the gorge, and are surprised to discover that the bridge is gone. When Shockwave reports that the Autobots are attacking the base, Megatron concludes the Ark is unguarded, and leads his team to attack it.
As the battle at the mine continues, Shockwave orders the Constructicons to combine and form Devastator. Bumblebee records the sequence, then the Autobots retreat. In the confusion, Donny Finkleberg escapes from the Decepticons, but not before Ravage catches his scent. While leaving the mine, Skids is confronted by the angry Jake; Skids swerves to avoid hitting the human, then gets blasted by a missile from Ravage. He is knocked down a gorge and abandoned by the retreating Autobots.
At the Ark, Megatron and the Decepticons attack; they are challenged by Omega Supreme, who easily defeats them -- Buzzsaw and Megatron escape, but the other Decepticons are captured. When Megatron returns to the mine, Shockwave uses the day's events to prove his worthiness to lead. Megatron disagrees, arguing that the Autobots attacked only to achieve a goal, and Shockwave played into their hands. Shockwave reluctantly accepts Megatron's logic; citing this as proof of Megatron's superiority, Shockwave surrenders the leadership role to him.
At the Ark, the Autobots celebrate the day's victories. The only pall comes from Optimus Prime, who berates himself for Skids' death.